Our Books
Decluttering for Parents
Imagine living a clutter-free life. Imagine creating a home you love and regaining the time and energy that clutter depletes. Imagine being present to enjoy the magical and joyful time childhood and parenthood can be. Imagine raising confident, compassionate children who have the space to explore their passions, learn, grow and have fun– undistracted by an endless stream of “things” they don’t need and really don’t want.
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Declutter & Manifest
This guided 52-week workbook is about much more than decluttering—it’s about recognizing and using the transformative power of your home to create the life you dream of.
When you make changes to your home to better reflect your dreams, your life shifts. Declutter & Manifest is designed to help you clarify your intentions, clear clutter from the inside and out, create an environment that supports the realization of your goals, and celebrate a life you love.

The Peaceful Nursery
The nursery is the most important room in any expectant parents’ home, and every parent wants to ensure that it will be as warm, inviting and healthy as possible for their new baby. Designing this special space is also an opportunity for expectant parents to prepare mentally and physically, for the changes to come.
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Live in Love & Find Your Soulmate
In Live in Love & Find Your Soulmate: Simple Steps to Create a Home That will Help You Attract and Maintain a Loving Relationship we offer tips and suggestions to help single women create a home and lifestyle that will put them in the best possible place to find and maintain a healthy, romantic relationship.
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