The “Manifestation Paradox"
Jan 31, 2025
*Excerpt from Declutter & Manifest: A 52 Week Workbook To Create a Home and Life You Love
Why your home is the key to manifesting your dreams
When you think about changing your life and pursuing your dreams, your mind might leap to all of the action steps you need to take, such as signing up for a course, reading books, and connecting with mentors, all of which can be very helpful. But there is an often-overlooked source of support all around you—your home!
Your home is a powerful tool for creating the life you desire.
Think about it for a moment: except for our relationships, our environments will have the greatest influence on how we think, feel, and act. And manifestations occur when you align your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions with your desires. Our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions determine our reality.
One of the most challenging aspects to successful manifestation is that you need to feel it, be it, do it, and believe it before it happens. We call this the “manifestation paradox.” In other words, to manifest wealth, you need to feel prosperous before your finances improve. You need to believe you are worthy of financial prosperity and behave like someone who is financially successful. This can be extremely challenging if you are anxious about your finances and are far from achieving the abundance you seek. How do you imagine, much less embody, the life you dream of when you are not actually living that life? This is what is so powerful and exciting about working with your home. You can create an environment that supports you in living your dream.
Through your home, you can find ways to feel wealthy, live abundantly, and be grateful for the wealth you do have in your life (like a space to call home). You can start living abundantly in a genuine and authentic way before you reach your financial goals. Your home can reflect abundance before the money is in the bank account. Something small, such as buying a single rose to place in a beautiful vase each week, or lighting a candle before bed, or placing artwork or photos that inspire feelings of wealth, or making a delicious meal, or setting the table using your best dishes and cloth napkins, can feel abundant!
In this work you are empowered to be your best self and live your dream independent of whether or not your goals are realized or your desires have manifested.
Simple changes in your home will focus your thoughts positively on your goals, inspire the feelings of your desires, bring subconscious beliefs to light, and support necessary action steps.
In fact, it is challenging to change without changing your environment. If your home is cluttered, disorganized, and does not reflect who you are, then it is likely you will not feel prosperous, much less uplifted, inspired, and focused. You will not be in a place to access or recognize the opportunities to move closer to your dreams. Also, if your environment is not conducive to the behavior required to realize your goals, it will be challenging to take action. Let’s say your goal is to develop a healthy-eating habit, but your pantry is filled with junk food, or you don’t have a place to sit down to eat because your kitchen table is piled with work, or the blender you need to create healthy smoothies is buried in the back of a cabinet beneath clutter. Trying to achieve that goal in that environment is like paddling upstream. How can we expect to change our eating habits without considering what’s in our kitchen or how it’s arranged? How can we expect to improve our sleep without taking a good look at our bedroom? How can we expect our lives to be different, or make different choices, if we wake up each day to a home that supports our old habits and patterns? We can’t!
However, when you create a home that inspires the thoughts, feelings, and behavior that match and support your goals, you change direction—you shift downstream, moving closer to the life you envision.
Lasting and sustainable change—and the life your dream of—comes from changing your home–the heart of your everyday living.
Read more: Declutter & Manifest: A 52 Week Workbook To Create a Home and Life You Love
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