Spring Cleaning Tips: How to Create a Fresh Start in Your Home and Life

homemaking Mar 20, 2024

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. We have the opportunity to start fresh– not only in our homes but also in our lives. In our wintery location, it always feels so good to put away the heavy layers and gear and lighten and brighten up our homes!

Through our spring cleaning, we usher in positive energy and create space for new beginnings.

Below is the process we use to maximize the energy of spring and create a fresh start in our homes and lives.

1. Clarify: With a little reflection and intention the process of spring cleaning goes beyond transforming our spaces to transforming our lives. Where have we been, where are we now, and where would we like to go? Identify your goals, and dreams and envision your everyday living. How do you want to feel and how would you like to spend your time? To make it simple, you could choose one word that captures your intention for this springtime of your life. 

2. Declutter: Decluttering, organizing, and cleaning are three distinct practices. Decluttering is the process of choosing what to keep and what to let go of. Always start by decluttering. Our homes will never truly feel clean if we don’t declutter first. Also, decluttering before cleaning makes cleaning so much easier because we are not trying to clean around clutter. Our 3-step declutter process includes physical cleaning– so you will get a head start. (Join our free recorded class for details about how to declutter using our 3-step process.)  As you are choosing which items to keep or let go of, in the springtime we find it particularly helpful to focus on what brings us joy. Which items make us feel light, happy, and expansive? Which items support our vision for a bright future?

3. Clean: Cleaning is the process of clearing away dust and dirt. Springtime is when we tend to do a deep clean and focus on areas of our home or items that maybe only get cleaned once or twice a year. 

Here is our checklist:

  • Windows 
  • Window coverings (drapes, blinds, curtains)
  • Under beds, behind doors, and any other hard-to-reach places 
  • Walls, Moldings, and baseboards
  • Floors, area rugs, carpets 
  • Furniture including frames and upholstery or slipcovers
  • Decorative pillows and blankets
  • All bedding such as mattress covers etc.
  • Filters (water, air, ice maker, dishwasher, washer/ dryer etc.)
  • Appliances and ceiling fans
  • Inside of cabinets, drawers, closets etc. which should already be done as part of the 3-step decluttering
  • Winter clothing and gear before it is stored

As you go along, keep a list handy to jot down any home improvement projects that come to mind or repairs that need to be made.

4. Organize: Organizing is the process of finding a home within your home for all the objects you have chosen to keep. Once your home is clean and clutter-free chances are you will enjoy finding a home for your loved items. A good home for an item is clean and spacious. In general, store like with like in the place you most often use the items. Sometimes due to space constraints or for other reasons we store items away from where they are most often used. 

5. Inspire: Once our homes are clean, clutter-free, and everything is in its place we focus on inspiration. How and where can we place and arrange our loved objects, photos, and art in a way that is beautiful and inspiring? At this time of year, this is often as simple as adding greens and fresh flowers to our homes.

Happy spring!



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